11% of survey complete.
Are you tired of confusing, hard-to-use state websites? Here is your chance to help improve state of Michigan websites and applications simply by completing a survey. This survey should take only about three minutes to complete. *You must be 18 or older to participate.

Once you complete and submit the survey, you will be added to a list of people who are willing to help improve state web sites and applications. You may be contacted again in the future (via phone or email) to provide more input or participate in a study. You will have the option to participate or decline each time you are contacted.

Thank you for your help – we appreciate your time and input!

Question Title

* 1. First and Last Name (For example: Jane Smith)

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* 2. Contact Phone Number (999-999-9999)

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* 3. Contact Email Address

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* 4. Are you available during the day to participate in a study, if chosen?

Question Title

* 5. What city do you currently live in?

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* 6. Are you currently enrolled as a student?

Question Title

* 7. Do you currently work?